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Diversify your investments portfolio with works of art

The potential of the art market Nowadays, with the stock market volatility and the poor rates of return available, more and more people are seeing the potential of the art market. In 1945, the world market numbered 500,000 collectors. There are now 70 million collectors.  In addition, 700 world-class museums, most of them in China, open […]

Tips to help you move to a smaller place

Tips to help you move to a smaller place (downsizing) Are you downsizing and unsure about where to start? Moving to a smaller space is no easy undertaking and involves a good deal of time and preparation. Here are a few tips for achieving a successful move, for yourself or for a loved one. Start preparing […]

The value of luxury pens

The second-hand market of luxury pens There may be a treasure among your pens! Today we’re talking luxury writing tools. Over the past few years, high-end pens have been increasingly sought after. Symbols of social status and popular for the nostalgic and prestigious feeling they provide, luxury pens are also very popular investments as their prices follow […]

Collecting precious stones

The collection of precious stones People collect all kinds of things, from the sublime to the banal. Whatever the collection definition, the collector is always aiming for the Nirvana of completeness and seeks to find rare, obsolete and particular items. Gemstones provide great satisfaction to enthusiasts, especially for the intrinsic interest and the fact that […]