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Tools appraisal

Could your tools be a gold mine? If you’re a hobby handyman or mechanic, your tools are worth something! Grinder, planer, jig saw … what do you think? Over the years, you’ve accumulated enough tools to fill up the shelves in your garage. Some may still be in their boxes, while others have gathered a little dust. You […]

Compulsive hoarding

Compulsive hoarding doesn’t only happen in the movies! Several times a year, the Évolia Transition team comes to the assistance of families who are desperately dealing with situations they were sometimes not aware of. What is it? Diogenes Syndrome is mainly characterized by a behavioural disorder that leads to neglected, sometimes unhealthy living conditions, both […]

The market value of silverware

Are silverware items valuable?   There was a time not too long ago when a silver-plated metal wedding gift was a highly appreciated piece. The wealthier people would buy silversmith’s pieces consisting of tea sets, cutlery or simply serving trays. The value of silverware was, at that time, pretty high. People less-wealthy were not to […]

Organize a moving or an estate sale

You want to organize a moving or an estate sale? Your house is chock-full of stuff and you don’t want to give it all away? You want to try to get a few pennies for your possessions but lack the energy and resources to organize a moving or estate sale yourself? Let estate sale organizers do […]

Artwork collection: the importance of inventorying

The purpose of an artwork inventory In general, when a will is well made, the transfer of money and investments is generally done without too many problems. However, it is a different story for artwork collections, valuable furniture, collectibles and jewelry. Unfortunately, most families don’t have a precise inventory of these particular assets or, at the time […]