Organize a moving or an estate sale
You want to organize a moving or an estate sale?
Your house is chock-full of stuff and you don’t want to give it all away? You want to try to get a few pennies for your possessions but lack the energy and resources to organize a moving or estate sale yourself? Let estate sale organizers do the work! Evolia Transition can take care of everything to make your sale successful! Here are a few details about the service:
*Posting the advertisement on various sites for maximum visibility
*Setting up the items
*Staff on hand on the day of the sale
*Organizing and coordinating the sale
*Negotiating with buyers.
In addition, we maintain a unique database of interested buyers to whom we send notices about the sale. Do you have antiques, works of art or valuables? We can find buyers who will pay a fair price.
Appraisal of assets: an important step to avoid mistakes
Are you certain that your grandmother’s painting, which you don’t like at all, has no value? Before selling or giving away an object or piece of furniture, take care to find out its real market value. That way you will be sure not to make any mistake, to the benefit of a stranger.
Various packages available to help you organize your open door sale
We have put together various packages to suit your needs and your budget. Many options are available; contact us to find out which package would suit you best.